Bouquet grape variety is a Mavrud × Pinot Noir cross obtained in 1951 at the Pleven viticulture and oenology institute in northern Bulgaria.
Late budding and mid to early ripening ar typical for this grape. Sensitive to drought though quite resistant to botrytis bunch rot thanks to its small, thick-skinned berries.
The Bouquet grape is grown mainly in the northern half of Bulgaria, particularly in the province of Pleven. It was for long planted and harvested with Gamza and not separated in the winery. However, it makes wines with good acid, tannin and alcohol levels and seems to have the potential to make serious reds that take well to oak maturation. Dense, well-structured, cherry-fruited and spicy varietal examples can be expected from this grape variety. There are only about 250 ha (640 acres) in cultivation in Bulgaria.
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